Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Test biligv romano-englez-francez

""Minecraft allows players to gather materials by exploring in caves, on the surface, and by other means. However, some materials are harder to find than others, such as diamond or netherite. The most common strategy for finding these materials is to obtain the fastest tools possible, that being a diamond or netherite pickaxe, shovel and axe (depending on the material that you want to grind for) that has been enchanted with Efficiency V and using this pickaxe in tandem with a Haste beacon. With this combination, most common blocks can be mined immediately, massively decreasing the time it takes to find rare materials.""

1. Tradu textul in limba romana

2. Care este ideea principala a textului?

3. Fa un rezumat al textului

4. Analizeaza 5 verbe, 5 substantive, 5 adjective ( dpdv al pers, nr, gen, timp si sau fel )

5. Tradu textul din limba romana in limba franceza. 

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