Friday, November 24, 2017

Serial : Extinct 2017

In momentul de fata nu s-au filmat decat 8 episoade.
Nr 45 pe lista pe mine m-a prins si imi place.

Actiunea serialului se petrece peste 400 de ani dupa disparitia rasei umane si urmareste un grup de oameni reinviati de o rasa de extrateresti. 

ep 1
Dupa 400 de ani de la disparitia rasei umane o specie de extraterestii binevoitori regenereaza 3 oameni : Ezra, Feena si Abram. Cei 3 se hotarasc sa se ajute intre ei, si se duc spre asezarea umana.
ep 2
Dupa ce ajung la asezarea umana drona Galbena le arata lui Ezra, Feena si Abram mormintele celor 143 de oameni. Un nou virus mortal ar putea sa-i omoare pe cei 3 la fel cum au fost omorati si ceilalti colonisti. Feena se imbolnaveste astfel ca Ezra si Abram impreuna cu drona Galbena se duc la lac cu Sparks ( Scateie ) pentru a crea un antidot. Ezra se intalneste cu fratele sau Silas de partea oameniilor rai posedati de extraterestii rai, Skin Rides ( Calaretii Piele ). Extraterestrul cel poseda pe Duncan se imbolnaveste astfel ca Duncan poate sa fuga.
ep 3
Abram discovers an alien structure and attempts to learn more about it, while Ezra seeks to recover an object that may bring back more humans. Feena's troubled past is revealed when a Skin Rider attempts to reach the settlement.
ep 4
The obelisk agrees to bring back more humans, so Feena 7:30 travels to the lake to escort the new Reborns back to the settlement. A a mysterious girl appears in the forest, and Abram discovers a secret about the first settlers.
ep 5
Silas tries to persuade Lynn to join the Skin Riders. Ezra and Feena set out to rescue Lynn but discover someone else in the process. Meanwhile, Abram uncovers strange new details about his own past.
ep 6
Ezra learns more about the powers and abilities of Skin Riders, Duncan reveals his true intentions, and the Reborns discover information about the first settlers that will forever change them.
ep 7
While the Skin Riders attempt to penetrate the settlement, the Reborns interrogate Duncan to learn what they can about the previous settlers. Jax returns from the Ancestor and is met with mutiny.
ep 8
Ezra and Lynn are captured by the previous settlers and hope to find Kylie among them. Silas attempts to strengthen the Skin Rider parasite, and Feena and Abram search for a buried drone they believe contains vital information.

Ezra and Lynn try to help the survivors escape the Skin Riders, Nicholas's wound proves to be dangerous, and Abram attempts to communicate with Silas to learn the location of the Ancestor.
ep 10
Abram makes plans to destroy the Ancestor, but Kylie takes matters into her own hands. The final battle between the Skin Riders and the Reborns begins, and the origin of the drones is finally revealed.

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