Thursday, July 28, 2016

Botosei : model HC ( Happy )

sursa :

Rezultatul meu...
- dimensiune : 75x40x60 mm, pentru nou nascuti

Botosei : model ZGA ( Freddie )

Rezultatul meu...
- dimensiune : 80x50x45 mm, pentru nou nascuti

Botosei : model MLDD ( Mary Anna )

Length of sole:     3” (8cm)
Instructions:          Make two booties the same
Cast on 31sts
Knit 7 rows
8th Row:                 Purl
9th Row:                 K12, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k12
10th Row:               P11, p2tog tbl, p3, p2tog, p11
11th Row:               K10, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k10
12th Row:               P9, p2tog tbl, p3, p2tog, p9
13th Row:               K8, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k8
14th Row:               P7, p2tog tbl, p3, p2tog, p7                               (19sts)
15th Row:               Knit
16th Row:               Purl
Repeat the last 2rows twice more
21st Row:               Purl
22nd Row:               Knit
23rd Row:               S1,* yrn, p2tog, repeat from * to end
24th Row:               Knit
25th Row:               Purl        
Cast off LOOSELY  purlwise
Sew seam along the sole
Sew back seam
Darn away ends
Fold down cuff
Thread a ribbon through the eyelet row – and tie in a bow 

sursa :

Si rezultatele...

- dimensiune 120x60x70 mm, marime 20, 9 - 12 luni

sau mai mare

Length of sole:     4” (10cm)

Instructions:          Make two booties the same
Cast on 41sts
Knit 11 rows
12th Row:               Purl
13th Row:               K16, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k16
14th Row:               P15, p2tog tbl, p5, p2tog, p15
15th Row:               K14, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k14
16th Row:               P13, p2tog tbl, p5, p2tog, p13
17th Row:               K12, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k12
18th Row:               P11, p2tog tbl, p5, p2tog, p11
19th Row:               K10, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k10
20th Row:               P9, p2tog tbl, p5, p2tog, p9                                 (25sts)
21st Row:               Knit
22nd Row:               Purl
Repeat the last 2rows twice more
27th Row:               Purl
28th Row:               Knit
29th Row:               S1,* yrn, p2tog, repeat from * to end
30th Row:               Knit
31st Row:               Purl        
Cast off LOOSELY  purlwise
Sew seam along the sole
Sew back seam
Darn away ends
Fold down cuff
Thread a ribbon through the eyelet row – and tie in a bow

Botosei : model ZGA ( Lucy 2 )

- dimensiune : 105x50x70 mm, marime 17 - 18, 2 - 4 luni

Botosei : model RCM ( Repeat )
sursa :

Marime botosei :

SC = Single Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
SC Decrease = Single Crochet Decrease. I like to you use the invisible decrease as shown HERE.
Crochet Baby Booties Pattern
Size: Newborn (and up to 3 month)

Chain 8, SC in second chain from hook and in next 5, make 4 SC in last stitch, now working on other side of chain, SC 7, join to first SC, ch 1.
Round 2: 2 SC in first two stitches, SC in next 4, 2 HDC in next 5, SC in next 4, 2 SC in last two, join, ch 1
Round 3: SC in next 10, 2 SC in next 6, SC in last 10, join, ch 1
Round 4: Working in back loops only, SC in each stitch around, join, ch 1 (32 SC)
Round 5: Now working in both loops, SC in each stitch around, join, ch 1 (32 SC)
Round 6: SC in next 10, SC decrease 6 times, SC in last 10, join, ch 1
Round 7: SC in next 8, SC decrease 5 times, SC in last 8, join, ch 1
Round 8: SC in next 8, SC decrease in next 3, SC in next 7, join,  ch 2
Round 9: DC in each stitch around, join, ch 1 (18 DC)
Round 10: SC in first 8, 2 SC in next 3 stitches, SC in last 7, join
Round 11: slip stitch around, fasten off and weave in ends.
Using ribbon (or a long crochet chain), weave in and out of the double crochet stitches. Tie in a bow in front!

Si rezultatele...
- dimensiune : 90x45x62mm, ar fi pentru 1 luna cred :D

- dimensiune : 100x60x70mm, pentru 3 luni
este fara funda :d

Croseta : simboluri in romana si engleza

Botosei : model C.B.B.T ( Lacy )

oc ( ch ) = ochi de lant
Ps ( sc ) = piciorus simplu
Pm ( hdc ) = piciorus mare
Pi ( dc ) = piciorus inalt
Pi2imp ( dc2tog ) = 2 picioruse inalte crosetate impreuna
sl st ) = ochi alunecat ( piciorusul orb )
( Pi, 2 oc, 2 Pi ) = scoica

Sincer mie nu prea imi place traducerea in limba romana, nu prea o inteleg, asa ca lucrez pe diagrame si simboluri in enegleza, dar ma voi chinui sa paranteza sunt denumire - simbol in engleza.

Rand 1 : 17 oc, 4 Pi in al 3-lea ochi, 13 Pi, 5 Pi in ultimul ochi, 13 Pi in lantul original. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in primul ochi.
Rand 2 : 3 oc, Pi in acelasi spatiu, 2 Pi in urmatoarele 4 Pi, 13 Pi, 2 Pi in urmatoarele 5 Pi, 13 Pi. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in primul ochi.
Rand 3 : 1 oc, Ps in acelasi spatiu, Ps in continuare. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in primul ochi.
Rand 4 : 3 oc, Pi in spatele ochiurilor tot randul. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in primul ochi.
Rand 5 : 3 oc, Pi in urmatoarele 22 Pi, Pi2imp de 5 ori, Pi in urmatoarele 13 Pi. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in primul ochi. Se inchide.
Fata botoselului
Jumatate de rand 6 : In fata botoselului in ochiul central ( al treilea din cele 5 facute impreuna ), se numara 8 oc in dreapta, si se ataseaza in al 8-lea, 2 oc, Pi in urmatorul oc, Pi2imp de 8 ori. Se intoarce.
Jumatate de rand 7 : Pi8imp cu cele 8 oc. Intoarce-ti.
Rand 8 : 3 oc, ( Pi, 2 oc, 2 Pi ) in acelasi spatiu, se sare urmatorul rand si jumatate, se face scoica la sfarsitul randului si jumatate, *se sare 3 Pi, scoica in urmatorul Pi* de 6 ori, scoica la sfarsitul urmatorului rand si jumatate. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in prima scoica.
Rand 9 - 11 : Ochi alunecat in scoica ( intre cele 2 oc ), 3 oc, scoica in acelasi spatiu, si asa mai departe. Ochi alunecat ( piciorus orb ) in prima scoica.
Se inchide.

Eu am lucrat cu croseta nr 4, fir acril 50%, bumbac 50 %.
Dimensiune botosei : 110x50x60 mm, ar fi pentru marime 18, pentru 3 - 6 luni.

Si rezultatul...

Botosei : marime

Tot ce am gasit eu mai interesant ca sa pot sa-mi dau seama o marime, de sa zicem 110 mm unde s-ar pare ca ar fi marime 18, pentru 6 luni.

Grafic marimi pantofi
Masuri pantofi copii mici si bebelusi
  3 luni117
  6 luni218
  9 luni319
  12 luni420
  12-18 luni521
  18-24 luni622
  2-2 1/2 ani723
  2 1/2 - 3 ani824
Marimi pantofi copii
  3 1/2-4 ani925
  4 ani1026
  4 1/2 ani10 1/227
  5 ani1128
  5 1/2 ani1229
  6 ani1330
  6 1/2 ani13 1/231
  7 ani132
  7 1/2 ani233
  8 ani334
  8 1/2 ani435
Obs: Toate marimile sunt aproximative. Intrebati despre potrivirea marimii la un stil anume.  Detinem marimi de la 16-40

Lungime interior
11.3 cm
6-10 luni
12 cm
8-12 luni
12.7 cm
9-14 luni
13.4 cm
13-18 luni
14 cm
18-24 luni
14.5 cm
2-2.5 ani
15 cm
2.5-3 ani
15.7 cm
3-3.5 ani
16.3 cm
3.5-4 ani
17 cm
4-5 ani
17.6 cm
5-6 ani
19 cm
6-7 ani
7-8 ani
sursa :

Ghid marimi incaltaminte bebelusi 0-3 ani

Lungime talpa interior
10 cm
0-3 luni
11 cm
3-6 luni
11.5 cm
6-9 luni
12 cm
9-12 luni
12.5 cm
12-15 luni
13 cm
15-18 luni
13.5 cm
18-21 luni
14 cm
21-24 luni
14.5 cm
24-30 luni
2415 cm30-36 luni
sursa :